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Olsen, Viggo Norskov. “The New Testament Logia on

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Pettegree, Andrew. “Europe In The Sixteenth Century.”

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Roth, Allen. “Do Divorced and Remarried Persons Need to

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Sanders, E.P. “Jesus and Judaism.” Fortress Press.


Smith, Preserved. “Erasmus A Study of His Life, Ideals and

Place in History.” Dover Publications, Inc. New York. 1962

Thompson, S. Harrison. “Europe in Renaissance and

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Zwieg, Stefan. “Erasmus of Rotterdam.” Translated by Eden

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______, “Erasmus 1469-1536.” Internet web site.


______, “English Bible History: John Colet” Internet web site. johncolet.


______, “Erasmus.” Internet web site. http://en.wikipedia.


______,“Erasmus, Desiderius” Internet Web site.



Resources Available

Till Death Do Us Part

What is the marriage law? When was the marriage law established? To whom does the marriage law apply: What constitutes a biblical marriage: Does the New Testament ever recognize divorce? What about the biblical exceptions? What is the biblical procedure for knowing my past is forgiven?

Scriptural Standards for a Pastor

These tapes contain an in depth study of the biblical requirements for one called to be a pastor. Many pastors will never teach on this subject because of fear or embarrassment, but the word of God is very clear and must be understood by believers who are looking for a Biblically qualified pastor.

Peacekeeper or Peacemaker, Which Are You?

God has used this tape to radically change the lives of thousands. Already, this teaching strips away all the excuses for compromise and makes clear the purpose of calling God’s people to be salt or light.

Biblical Principles of Christian Living

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End Notes

i Theological Foundations Ministries. All rights reserved, Rev. Stephen W. Wilcox © 2004. Used by permission.

ii Compiled and categorized by the Christian Classics Ethereal Classics Library. All ancient material quoted is in the public domain and may be copied freely. The forgoing material is edited from, a home page of Theological Foundations Ministries. All rights reserved, Rev. Stephen W. Wilcox © 2004 Used by permission.

iii Author’s note: Latest research indicates that Ambrosiaster may have been a fictitious name.

iv Steele, Paul E. and Ryrie, Charles C., Meant To Last (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1983), 1983, pp. 88-89, (out of print).

v Smith, Preserved, Erasmus, A Study of His Life, Ideals, and Place in History, (New York: Frederick Unger Publishing Co., 1962), pp. 14, 27,29,60,367.

vi Erasmus, Desiderius, Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2005 1997-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights Reserved.

vii Erasmus: His Life, Works and Influence by Cornelius Augustin & J.C. Grayson; University of Toronto Press, 1991

viii Erasmus of Christendom by Roland H. Bainton, New York; Charles Scribner’s Sons Copyright 1969

ix “The N.T. Logia on Divorce: A Study of Their Interpretation, from Erasmus to Milton.” By V.N. Olsen; J.C.B. Mohr. (Paul Siebeck) 1971 p. 15

x Erasmus A Study of His Life, Ideals and Place in History by Preserved Smith, Ph. D., Litt.D., Dover Publications Inc., N.Y. 1962 p. 429

xi The N.T. Logia on Divorce: A Study of Their Interpretation, from Erasmus to Milton” by V.N. Olsen; J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 1971 p. 23

xii Erasmus of Christendom by Roland Bainter, New York; Charles Scribner’s Sons 1969 pp. 229-231

xiii “The N.T. Logia on Divorce: A Study of Their Interpretation, from Erasmus to Milton” by V.N. Olsen; J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 1971 p.26

xiv Erasmus of Christendom by Roland Bainter, New York; Charles Scribner’s Sons 1969 pp. 229-231

xv Jesus and Divorce: The Problem With The Evangelical Consensus by William A Heth and Gordon J. Wenham: by Thomas Nelson Publishers; Nashville, Camden, New York p. 75,76

xvi “The N.T. Logia on Divorce: A Study of Their Interpretation, from Erasmus to Milton” by V.N. Olsen; J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 1971 p.22

xvii “The N.T. Logia on Divorce: A Study of Their Interpretation, from Erasmus to Milton” by V.N. Olsen; J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 1971 p.46

xviii Ibid

xix Ibid

xxii “The N.T. Logia on Divorce: A Study of Their Interpretation, from Erasmus to Milton” by V.N. Olsen; J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 1971

xxiii Erasmus of Christendom by Roland Bainter, New York; Charles Scirbner’s Sons. 1969 pp.229-231

xxiv Ibid

xxv Hermeneutics by Professor D. R. Dungan; Standard Publishing Company. Used by permission.)

xxvi Till Death Do Us Part? Dr. Joseph A. Webb

xxvii 3/17/07 World Magazine, “Standing in the God Gate.” p. 6

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