Till Death do us Part?
What is the marriage law? When was the marriage law established? To whom does the marriage law apply: What constiutes a biblical marriage?; Does the New Testiment ever recognize divorce?; What about the biblical procedure for knowing that my past is forgiven?
A message from Patricia Lane Webb, President of CPR Ministries
Video Series — Till Death Do Us Part?
The ministry of Christian Principles Restored is helping hundreds of churches and families reestablish the Biblical principles that can turn the tide of family disintegration in our communities and nation.
Christian Principles Restored Ministries International, Inc. is about Biblical principles applied to daily living.
Lifetime decisions made without regard to the wisdom available to us in God’s Word in accordance with his standards are foolish.
This kind of thinking has taken over our churches and Christian culture. Today in America, born again adults are more likely to experience a divorce than any other group. In the area of marriage and family, the results of these poor choices will be devastating to family members including our children and grandchildren.
Tonight in America 33% of our children (almost 24 million) will go to bed without a biological father in the home. Only 34% of our nations 72 million children are expected to live with both biological parents through the age of 18. While statistics like these are disheartening, the results of our departure from the Word of God are even worse and will reverberate for generations to come.
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Ten Biblical Convictions for Christian Maturity
This set of audio teachings contain an edited presentaion of vital Christian convictions Joseph A. Webb, Th.D., Ph.D. These teachings were recorded while he was pastoring a congregation. The contents of these teachings have proved to be an effective tool used by the Lord to mature many belivers who today are serving the Lord around the world.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6
Download “Divorce and Remarriage” in Spanish.
Descarga gratuita: Divorcio y nuevo casamiento
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